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Consumers choose email as their most preferred channel of communication with brands, even over social media. With an average ROI of 38-to-1, email marketing is a powerful component of a company’s communication strategy. If you’re looking to get more impact from your existing email program or want to set up a new communications program for success, schedule a marketing consultation with us today! We’ll provide thoughtful recommendations to help your emails stand out and deliver results for your business.


While subscriber lists vary, on average the majority of emails are now opened on mobile devices. At VASLTIRE, our team of designers and developers create emails and templates that display beautifully across desktop, webmail, and mobile email clients, while leveraging their different rendering abilities.

An email will not look exactly the same across all email clients, and we embrace making the emails we develop look their best for each specific email client. This means we progressively enhance emails for more advanced email clients, such as Apple Mail, while still providing a great experience for older email clients, like Outlook.

The content of an email is every bit as important as the email design. Using the data collected in your lists, we create email campaigns that are relevant, personal, and timely for each subscriber. Along with great content and design, we implement data-driven audience segmentation to further drill down subscriber lists, providing greater personalization and dynamic content based on engagement level, age, or even location.

Taking it one step further, with A/B testing we can test different subject lines and email content, to determine what gets subscribers opening your emails and engaging with your content. Each email you send is an opportunity to test and learn more about what your subscribers want to see from you.

  • Email content & strategy development

  • Communications strategy

  • Editorial Calendars

  • Mobile-optimized email design

  • Responsive email development

  • Live QA & Litmus Testing Suite

  • List hygiene & ESP onboarding

  • Audience segmentation

  • Analytics & reporting

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